

The Professional Apiculture degree lasts 6 semesters, with the first 4 semesters (L1 and L2) mainly devoted to basic scientific teaching as part of the Natural and Life Sciences core curriculum, and the last 2 semesters (L3) mainly devoted to teaching the Apiculture specialty. This course is designed to enable rapid integration into the professional world. The Apiculture professional degree "Apiculture Production Manager" aims to provide basic training in various fields of applied biology, with an emphasis on the most recent concepts and methodological developments in apiculture. This multi-disciplinary training will enable its holder to apply the knowledge acquired in apiary management (health, production, breeding). This training will cover the various fundamental and applied aspects of beekeeping, enabling students to meet the needs of the national economy and contribute to the development of the beekeeping sector in Algeria, with a profile adapted to the expectations of operators in the sector.


This course is designed to enable rapid integration into the professional world. The professions and fields targeted by this professional degree are those of management in the beekeeping sector, namely : - beekeeping production manager, - specialized beekeeping production manager (queens, swarms, royal jelly, etc.) - bee health monitoring manager, - beekeeping advisor, quality control agent for beekeeping products. Graduates of this diploma may find employment in the following sectors: - Agricultural services specialized in beekeeping; - Analysis laboratories for beekeeping and agri-food products, and research and development laboratories within the Ministry of Agriculture; - Quality control departments; - Fraud departments; - Agri-food sector.

Target level of study

BAC +3


180 crédits


3 years

Training structure

Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Conduite de l'élevage BETINA Sara imene
Gestion de rucher MESSAOUDI Sabar
Utilisation du matériel apicole MOKHTARI Mohamed Badreddine
Gestion de la production du miel MESSAOUDI Sabar
Production du miel BOULAHBEL Billel
Technologie du miel BENKENANA Naima
Pratiques de sécurité, santé et hygiène MOKHTARI Mohamed Badreddine
Pré-stage BETINA Sara imene
Matière Enseignant(s)
Analyse des produits de la ruche BETINA Sara imene
Création et gestion de l'entreprise HAMEL Abdelmadjid
Diversification des productions apicoles BETINA Sara imene
Santé du rucher Billel BOULAHBEL
Stage BETINA Sara imene
Communication BETINA Sara imene
Commercialisation des produits apicoles HAMEL Abdelmadjid
Projet personnel professionnel BETINA Sara imene


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71