
The objective of this degree course in climate engineering is to train professional staff, capable of mastering the energy design of buildings and their equipment in relation with architects. In addition, graduates of this license are able to lead work teams, to ensure the follow-up of the achievements and the reception of the installations, to ensure the piloting, the control, the follow-up and the maintenance of climatic installations and to design climate systems that promote renewable energies


Designers and project managers in construction or industry design offices (Sonatrach, Sonelgaz, etc.). Commercial technicians and in charge of technical control. Work supervisors in installation or operating companies in heating, air conditioning, thermal building, renewable energies, plumbing, electricity, cold. Creation of design office. Equipment maintenance. Teachings. Legal experts. Laboratory assistant

Target level of study

BAC +5


120 crédits


2 years

Training structure

Sciences et Technologie

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Electrotechnique appliquée Boudjebir Hind
DAO des réseaux climatiques Benterki soumia
Technologie de froid industriel ZID Said
Réseaux Thermiques SAFI Safia
Chauffage des Bâtiments d’Habitation LOUAER Ilhem
Matière Enseignant(s)
Ethique, déontologie et propriété intellectuelle KABI Abdennacer
Traitement des eaux KABI Abdennacer
Séchage BELHAMRI Azeddine
Appareils Thermiques BACHKHAZNADI Abdeldjebbar
Régulation des Systèmes climatiques LAIB DIT LEKSIR Lyazid, Laib_yazid@daad-alumni.de
Production de Froid ZID Said
Systèmes de Chauffage BERREHAL Moussa
Utilisation de logiciels appliqués au froid et à la climatisation MAHRI Zine Labiddine
Ventilation et Conditionnement de l’Air II GOMRI Rabah


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71