Aims to train student researchers with the scientific skills necessary for the maturation of a reflection around an environmental problem including the scientific analysis of the situation, the evaluation of pollution levels, the proposal for preventive behavior and the proposal for solutions for the treatment of pollution and nuisances from chemical sources. This academic-type training aims to acquire in-depth knowledge for the evaluation of the levels of contamination of the various environmental matrices and the potential impacts of pollutants on ecosystem health. The environmental problem, results from an awareness of the limited nature of the ecosphere following various environmental problems grasped at different levels (pollution, degradation, management, etc.)
BAC +5
120 crédits
2 years
Matière | Enseignant(s) |
Anglais Scientifique | Chourouk HAMLA |
Sécurité laboratoire chimie de l'environnement | Chourouk HAMLA |
Pollution des sols et des agrosystèmes | Cherdouh Assia |
Communication | adel belbekri |
Pollution des eaux | laid touati |
Droit de l’environnement | Cheriti Oumnia |
Pollution atmosphérique | leila sahli |
hydrosystèmes algériens | bouaicha foued |
Matière | Enseignant(s) |
Conséquences de la pollution des sols et agrosystèmes | Cherdouh Assia & Ghioua-Bouchtab karima |
Pollution par les déchets | Bazri Kamel-eddine |
Gestion et traitement des déchets | Bazri Kamel-eddine |
Epuration et Traitement des eaux | Mehennaoui Fatima-Zohra |
Conséquences Ecologiques et Poll. Eaux | Touati Laïd |
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