
This Master's aims to introduce students to research in toxicology with applications in the field of human health by providing them with solid training with a view to preparing a doctoral thesis. The Toxicology Master can interest both students who want to continue in the field of Toxicology and students who want to acquire an in-depth training in this field and then diverge towards other sectors of the Natural and Life Sciences.


Students holding a Master's degree in Toxicology will have acquired a solid knowledge base in the field of toxicology and public health, as well as a sound scientific background in molecular and cellular biology and biochemistry. Doctorate-Research in Toxicology. Biological analysis laboratories in the public and private sectors. University teaching and research laboratories. Pharmaceutical laboratories, quality control, industry, food safety and biotechnology. Sales professions: medical, paramedical and technical sales representatives. Education and national teaching (primary, middle and high school).

Target level of study

BAC +5


120 crédits


2 years

Training structure

Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Communication Dr. MOURI Fouzia
Toxicité et sécurité alimentaire BOUBEKRI Nassima
Cosmétologie et santé publique AMRANI Amel
Endocrinologie et physiologie des régulations BOUBEKRI Nassima
Biochimie métabolique BENREBAI Mouad
Bio-Informatique BOULKANDOUL Ramzi
Anglais scientifique Vacataire
Matière Enseignant(s)
Législation MOURI Fouzia
Immuno-toxicologie ZAMA Djamila
Physiopathologie cellulaire AMEDAH Souad
Expérimentation AMEDAH Souad
Toxicité et Stress Oxydant LALAOUI Korrichi
Bioinformatique BOULKANDOUL Ramzi
Anglais SOUICI Chouaib Farouk


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71