
The 'Industrial Health and Safety' sector (HSI), in the Science and Technology (ST) domain, takes charge of the prevention and management aspects of risks and dangers linked to economic and industrial activities (fires, explosions, pollutant releases, work, etc.).


"The License course in ''Industrial Hygiene and Safety'' aims to train versatile executives with knowledge and know-how that allow them to integrate all socio-economic, professional and industrial sectors. They are intended to occupy workstations that allow them to perform the following functions: Protect the health of personnel against risks, accidents at work and occupational diseases; Protect industrial heritage; Protect the environment against risks; Make the expertise of disasters; Carry out audits. With the course offered as part of this license, graduates are able to integrate different economic sectors: Production and service companies; Local authorities and public bodies; The health sector; Insurance companies; Justice."

Target level of study

BAC +3


180 crédits


3 years

Training structure

Ingénierie des transports

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Toxicologie Industrielle Dr AIB Abdelatif
Securité incendie /
Sécurité des installations et des équipements industriels /
Protection environnement /
Méthodes qualitatives d'analyse des risques AKNI Ahcen
Acoustique industrielle /
Système de management intégré en HSI /
Analyse des données et outils statistiques /
Développement durable /
Notion d'écologie /
Etude de cas en HSI /
Matière Enseignant(s)
Méthodes quantitatives d'analyse des risques AKNI Ahcène
Etudes de dangers et études d'impacts TAFER oumenia
Traitement des déchets TAFER oumenia
Gestion de crise BOUDELLIOUA Norddine
Ergonomie industrielle BELAHRECHE Saliha
Pathologies professionelle et accidents de travail MAHDI Loubna
Notions de simulation de crise MAHDI Loubna
Projet professionnel et gestion d'entreprise AMRANI Mourad
Projet de fin de cycle équipe pédagogique
Assurances et tarification des risques BELAID Dalila


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71