
The Biochemistry Master's program is a postgraduate diploma at the Bac + 5 level. The Master's program encompasses both theoretical and practical components, ensuring a well-rounded education for the students and preparing them for professional endeavors upon graduation. The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, including advanced theoretical concepts and hands-on laboratory work, enabling students to develop a strong foundation in biochemistry. One of the key objectives of this program is to introduce students to research in the fields of biochemistry and its applications. This includes exploring the role of biochemistry in areas such as health and the industrial use of microorganisms. By engaging in research projects and practical assignments, students have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of biochemistry's real-world applications and its significance in various industries. Moreover, the Master's program offers multidisciplinary training in proteomic analysis. Proteomics is a branch of biochemistry that focuses on the study of proteins, their structure, functions, and interactions within biological systems. Students receive theoretical and practical instruction in various techniques and methodologies employed in proteomic analysis. These may include two-dimensional electrophoresis, image processing, micro-sequencing, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and bioinformatics. By gaining proficiency in these techniques, students can effectively analyze and interpret complex biological data, thereby broadening their skill set and enhancing their research capabilities.


This training will enable graduates to continue their higher education in : Doctorate or in other fields (medical, pharmaceutical, agri-food, etc.). Introduction to setting up small businesses. In the private sector, biochemists can find positions in a wide variety of fields, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and agri-food. Education (teaching). Health sectors and hospitals (biological analysis laboratories).

Target level of study

BAC +5


120 crédits


2 years

Training structure

Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Bioénergétique Mme SEMRA Ilhem
Biochimie Métabolique, Besoins Nutritionnels Mme BOUTAGHANE Naima
Nutrition Humaine et Pathologies Mr. NOUADRI T.
Pharmacologie Moléculaire Mme KLIBET F.
Techniques d'Analyses Classiques des Protéines Mme TENIOU Soumia
Biostatistique Mme ZEGHDAR Moufida
Anglais Scientifique (Analyse d'Articles Scientifiques) Melle RAMLI Imen
Communication (TIC) ZEGHBID Nassim
Matière Enseignant(s)
Statut nutritionnel et pathologies BENNAMOUN Leila
Bioinformatique et protéomique MOKRANI El Hassen
Régulation des genes MOUSSAOUI Samira
Analyse protéomique MEDOUKALI Imene
Thérapeutiques nutritionnelles KHEDARA ABDELKRIM
Mèthodes statistiques en Biologie Mme ZEGHDAR Moufida
Anglais Scientifique RAMLI Imene
Legislation ZEGHBID Nassim


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71