
"The Bachelor's degree in Energy Mechanics offered allows the holder of his diploma to adapt as quickly as possible to the various trades related to the production, generation, transport, transformation and use of energy. industrial air conditioning, cold production, heating, domestic air conditioning, thermal, solar, hydraulic, geothermal, wind turbines, motors, etc. are thus targeted by our training. Thanks to solid training in thermodynamics and applied thermodynamics, heat transfers, fluid mechanics, turbomachines, engines, renewable energies, cold and climate engineering, the energy graduate will be able to adapt easily and build skills in all trades related to energy."


Target level of study

BAC +3


180 crédits


3 years

Training structure

Sciences et Technologie

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Mécanique des fluides Nemouchi Zoubir
Transfert de chaleur 1 Bessaih Rachid
Turbomachines 1 Talbi Kamel
Instrumentation et mesure Benkara-Mostefa Karima née Heguehoug
Conversion de l'energie Kadja Mahfoud
Environnement Benkafadar Fouzia
Matière Enseignant(s)
Turbomachines TALBI Kamel
Projet pédagogique et professionnel HEGUEHOUG Karima
Transfert de chaleur 2 BESSAIH Rachid
Énergie renouvelable BELKACEMI Zoubir
Cryogénie MILES Adel
Moteurs à combustion interne LAMAR Karim
Machines frigorifiques et pompes à chaleur GOURARI Sihem
Projet de fin de cycle BEGHIDJA Abdelhadi


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71